Opting in? Opting Out? Have a “How Do I” question? Well, you’re in the right spot! First check out our Subscription FAQ’s page. If those don’t cover all the things come on back.
How to Opt in to or Out of a Subscription:
First Log in Online or thru our App and select the Menu Icon on the top left of your screen.
Select Subscriptions from the menu.
To Opt In to or Out of a Subscription simply use the On/Off Toggle circled below.
Please note once the toggle is turned ON you will automatically be charged for your Subscription Selection and cannot be refunded if you made a selection by mistake.
You may, however, Opt Out of a Subscription at any time. Subscriptions are valid for 30 days and if Opted Out of will expire automatically on your next billing date.
Opting in to a Subscription unfortunately does not automatically populate an order. If you do not already have a reoccurring order in progress go ahead and place one setting the frequency in accordance to your Subscription level ie. Bronze “Every other Week”, all other levels “Every Week”.
If you wish to discontinue service altogether you must also cancel any remaining pickups scheduled to avoid being charged for late cancellation.